Plantar Fasciitis and Its Treatments

The majority of individuals who suffer from plantar fasciitis completely recover in a couple of months using conservative at-home remedies, which includes resting, stretching, icing, and taking OTC pain medications. All these can help relieve inflammation and pain from plantar fasciitis. To further reduce your symptoms, you can likewise consider:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Opting for low-impact exercises or sports.
  • Wearing supportive shoes and replacing them when needed.

If these conservative treatments fail to ease your pain, you can consult with Dr. Jeffrey Belancio, our Vineland NJ Foot Doctor here at South Jersey Foot and Ankle Specialists, LLC in Vineland, NJ, for expert treatment.

Basic Therapies for Plantar Fasciitis

Exercises that strengthen and stretch the plantar fascia, or those that utilize special tools, can help alleviate your pain. These include:

  • Night Splint: This is worn for stretching the affected foot arch and calf during sleep. It functions by holding your Achilles tendon and plantar fascia in an elongated position to promote safe stretching.
  • Physical Therapy: Your physical therapist could show you proper exercises for stretching your Achilles tendon and plantar fascia and strengthen the muscles in your lower leg.
  • Orthotic Devices: Your Vineland NJ Foot Doctor may prescribe custom-made orthotics or arch supports to help allocate the pressure to your affected foot more evenly.

Surgery and Other Procedures for Plantar Fasciitis

If conservative therapies fail to work after several months of treatment, your Vineland NJ Foot Doctor may recommend the following:

  • Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment: During the procedure, sound waves will be directed at the site of your pain to promote healing. This is typically utilized for treating chronic plantar fasciitis.
  • Injections: Steroid medications offer temporary relief from pain. Likewise, with the use of ultrasound imaging, PRP, or platelet-rich plasma sourced from your blood is injected to stimulate tissue healing.
  • Surgery: Some people might require surgery to separate their heel bone from their plantar fascia. This is usually recommended for cases that don’t respond to other therapies.
  • Ultrasonic Tissue Repair: This procedure utilizes ultrasound imaging for guiding an ultra-thin probe into your damaged tissues. The tip of this probe will vibrate quickly, breaking up the tissue that is then suctioned out.

Need Relief from Plantar Fascia, Talk to Us

Schedule your visit with your Vineland NJ Foot Doctor here in South Jersey Foot and Ankle Specialists, LLC in Vineland, NJ, Dr. Jeffrey Belancio, by dialing (856) 839-0579.

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